About Me


Hi! Rico here! Thank you for stopping by. I am the founder of “The Rogers Family Enterprise.” I am an affiliate marketer and strive to find products that solve problems that others in Cyberworld might benefit from. Also like many others on the internet, I strive to create multiple streams of income working from home so that I can also spend quality time with my lovely wife and two children. Family is number one to me and the reason that I do what I do.

I worked many years with the homeless and incarcerated via two local social service agencies for at least 17 years. It was very rewarding.

Then, in 1999, I ventured into the IT field which also required me to continually service client sites. None of those jobs were family-friendly, believe it or not. They were more than happy to have you work, in some cases, almost round the clock for the client’s sake.  However, they seemed to expect your family to have little or no problems at all.

It occurred to me to start an online business from home when, after many years of living and working childless, we had two small children who were somewhat sickly and required my wife and I to be available to take them for medical treatment whenever needed in 2008. At that time, my employer did not like that I had to miss so much time from the workplace. So, I started an online endeavor. Then, I quit that job. That online business did not work out. However, I did different projects, such as translations from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English, some of them online. I also took on interpreting projects.

I love to spend time with my children helping them with their homework and watching them play sports. Many people would think of this way of functioning, especially if it is a father doing it, as strange and somewhat questionable. However, if given the opportunity to live this type of lifestyle they would, more than likely, jump at the opportunity to experience it too.

Being an internet marketer allows me to explore different ways to help people with different problems that they are looking to solve, or make available to them, products that they are looking for. It also enables me to reach out to others who also understand and are striving to live that same lifestyle.  It is challenging, but fun. It is a continuous learning experience full of very interesting people..

I love to explore and resolve technological problems. Along with my online activities, I lend technical, translation, and interpreting services to some local clients.

I will continue to be there for my family. I love to serve my customers, clients, and associates. and will continue that mission.

Life is good! God is good, all the time!